If you are in crisis, please call 999 or go to your nearest A&E department. You can also make an emergency appointment with your GP. 

Organisations who are there to provide you with support:

Age UK - 0800 055 6112

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) - a charity dedicated to men's issues, especially with preventing male suicide

Cruse Bereavement Care - support, advice and information for bereaved people. Free helpline on 0808 808 1677

Heads Together 

Hope Again - for children and young people who have been bereaved


National Domestic Violence Helpline - 0808 2000 247. If you are in danger, please phone 999. 

One In Four 

Samaritans - 24/7 support, 365 days a year

The Silver Line - free helpline for older people, 24/7 support on 0800 4 70 80 90